To measure the current emotional climate within your organisation or team, you need Emotional Climate Index survey that is available on smartphones, computers, tablets and takes just 5 minutes of your time!
EMOTIONAL CLIMATE INDEX measures 10 the most frequent emotions and feelings you experience in the workplace and their:
1. current state – how often lately people experience certain feelings at work,
2. expected state – how often people think it’s fair and reasonable to experience these feelings at work given the nature and context of their workplace,
3. ideal state – how often people think they should ideally experience these feelings in their workplace to be effective.
The Emotional Climate Index will be useful for organisations and managers who:
• care about their employees,
• understand that behaviour of the manager has a major impact on how employees feel at work,
• understand that there is a strong correlation between how employees feel and their performance,
• are ready to look for solutions and, most importantly, take action to improve wellbeing of their employees,
• are willing to develop their own emotional intelligence.
Example of survey result
Participants have possibility to write free text comments about the most helpful and unhelpful workplace feelings, see example:
Want to learn more? Call: 29468884, 29129966 OR write: info@grow.lv!
To measure the current emotional climate within your organisation or team, you need Emotional Climate Index survey that is available on smartphones, computers, tablets and takes just 5 minutes of your time!
EMOTIONAL CLIMATE INDEX measures 10 the most frequent emotions and feelings you experience in the workplace and their:
1. current state – how often lately people experience certain feelings at work,
2. expected state – how often people think it’s fair and reasonable to experience these feelings at work given the nature and context of their workplace,
3. ideal state – how often people think they should ideally experience these feelings in their workplace to be effective.
The Emotional Climate Index will be useful for organisations and managers who:
• care about their employees,
• understand that behaviour of the manager has a major impact on how employees feel at work,
• understand that there is a strong correlation between how employees feel and their performance,
• are ready to look for solutions and, most importantly, take action to improve wellbeing of their employees,
• are willing to develop their own emotional intelligence.
Example of survey result
Participants have possibility to write free text comments about the most helpful and unhelpful workplace feelings, see example:
Want to learn more? Call: 29468884, 29129966 OR write: info@grow.lv!
To improve emotional climate and wellbeing, we offer:
1. to assess and advise on how to improve the different aspects of f the organisation's well-being,
2. to mentor on issues that hat involve strengthening any aspects of well-being of managers or employees,
3. online trainings
9 topics:
1. From impulse to habit. What makes us who we are and how we function?
2. Physical well-being (1). What we may not know about sleeping, eating, moving and breathing.
3. Physical well-being (2). Dealing with stress.
4. Mental well-being. Can thoughts be changed? Can thinking be developed?
5. Emotional well-being (1). What are emotions and can they be "controlled"?
6. Emotional well-being (2). Managing destructive emotions.
7. Social well-being. The impact of interactions with others on how we feel.
8. Environmental well-being. Senses matter! Can we influence them to feel better?
9. Financial well-being. “Order in the head” and “order in the wallet”.
* all topics involve learning a number of practical techniques to improve the relevant area of well-being.
Curriculum developers and trainers: Anda Kalniņa- Stūrīte and Jana Strogonova (more about us you can find here)
To discuss the content and find the most suitable topic(s) for your organization, please, call: 29468884, 29129966 OR write: info@grow.lv!
Testimonials from participants:
Employees of The Financial and Capital Markets Commission (8 wellbeing topics)
"Sadales tīkls" AS employees about MENTAL wellbeing
Worldline employees (8 wellbeing topics)
Primekss employees about EMOTIONAL and SOCIAL wellbeing
To improve emotional climate and wellbeing, we offer:
1. to assess and advise on how to improve the different aspects of f the organisation's well-being,
2. to mentor on issues that hat involve strengthening any aspects of well-being of managers or employees,
3. online trainings
- on topics covering emotional well-being, stress resilience, as well as well-being in its broadest sense,
- on any selected topic and any scope (selecting one or more or all 9 topics),
- weekly training programme can be structured as follows:
- 1 x 1-hour session, including a theoretical overview of the topic and individual mini-assignments (Q&A),
- 2 x 30-minute practical sessions in which we will learn techniques related to the topic,
- on any platform that suits your organisation.
9 topics:
1. From impulse to habit. What makes us who we are and how we function?
2. Physical well-being (1). What we may not know about sleeping, eating, moving and breathing.
3. Physical well-being (2). Dealing with stress.
4. Mental well-being. Can thoughts be changed? Can thinking be developed?
5. Emotional well-being (1). What are emotions and can they be "controlled"?
6. Emotional well-being (2). Managing destructive emotions.
7. Social well-being. The impact of interactions with others on how we feel.
8. Environmental well-being. Senses matter! Can we influence them to feel better?
9. Financial well-being. “Order in the head” and “order in the wallet”.
* all topics involve learning a number of practical techniques to improve the relevant area of well-being.
Curriculum developers and trainers: Anda Kalniņa- Stūrīte and Jana Strogonova (more about us you can find here)
To discuss the content and find the most suitable topic(s) for your organization, please, call: 29468884, 29129966 OR write: info@grow.lv!
Testimonials from participants:
- Thank you. If there was a chance, I’d be happy to participate in webinars of these trainers on another topic
- There was good synergy between the trainers. The information was handed out smoothly, without stress, and the practices were easy to understand and well-presented. The trainers work - professional, it was noticeable that the information provided is important and binding to them, so the message they passed, and we received, in my view, resulted in a total of 200%.
- Not only did trainers provided theoretical knowledge, but also spent a lot of time on practice, exercises, that really do not take much time and can be included in my daily routine.
- The methods provided by trainers are simple, easy to implement and takes a little time. I'm already feeling improvements in my life.
- Thank you for opportunity to participate in the webinar on mental wellbeing. I liked both the content and the knowledgeable lecturers - information was presented in a simple and comprehensible way. I had read about mental wellbeing previously, and the webinar added to my past knowledge and understanding of things.
- Thank you for this seminar, the subject is very topical and interesting, and a lot I learned about understanding myself better.
- The audience was provided with valuable tools to proceed individually in the direction of personal development and development of relationships (both private and professional). Thank you for the opportunity!
- These webinars were unexpectedly good. A very pleasant surprise!
- I learned the techniques to apply in everyday life and the direction in which to look for in-depth information on issues that interest me.
- I liked that each lesson was very packed with information that was enough so that after the end of the lesson there was always something to think about.
- I really liked that the practical part dominated. Only the theoretical approach would not allow you to look at yourself and from the sidelines so widely. Topic about emotions consists of so many important parts that together makes being at home or at work emotionally pleasant.
- It was valuable to look at yourself and your colleagues, (including the previous ones) from the sidelines - your emotions, feelings. Saying "Thank you" is not that easy, emotions, behavioural patterns, collaboration, reflection on the various actions and the consequences that we put on the shelf for "later" on a daily basis.